Lesson 5
Musculus psoas major
The large lumbar muscle is a deep, long muscle. It starts from the last thoracic vertebra and the four upper lumbar vertebrae. The muscle descends slightly, and connects with the ilum muscle ( Iliacus) forming a common iliac-lumbar muscle ( Iliopsoas).
We can see a close relationship between lower back and pelvic muscles resulting in the effect of lifestyle and internal muscle degeneration on flexibility.
Musculus psoas minor
Thin muscle, spindle-shaped. It is located on the anterior surface of the large lumbar muscle.
Stretches the ligament from the crotch and involves the flexion of the spine. Supports lordosis (deflection) of the lumbar spine.
Illum (Musculus iliacus) is the muscle of the inner group of pelvic muscles. The muscle looks like a triangle, with its vertex facing down.
The iliopsoas muscle is the muscle of the inner group of pelvic muscles.
The muscle from the pelvic space exits through the pelvic gland as it descends, passing along the anterior surface of the hip joint, and attaches a thin, tendon near the femur.
It is a very shortened muscle as a result of a sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, it is one of the important muscles that we want to stretch for the split. All these muscles flex the hip joint. With a fixed leg they help bend the lumbar spine.

Musculus Piriformis
The muscle of the inner group of pelvic muscles.
It is located under the gluteus maximus muscle. Plays a major role in the exercises to open the hip joints.
Responsible for external rotation of the hip. If the leg is fixed, it helps to tilt the pelvis to his sides.

Musculus obturatorius internus
The muscle of the internal group of pelvic muscles. Helps to rotate the thigh outwards.

Practical part
Exercise Set 1
Pigeon Stretch.
1) Sit on the floor, taking one foot forward so that your knee and thigh are in one line. The other leg is straight and tense. Rotate the straight leg inside the hip joint to reach the floor with its femur. Stretch and extend the leg all the time.
2) Take a big breath and move both hands up. The straight leg's hand goes even further forward. Try to reach with your hands as far as you can. Repeat 3 times.
3) Pigeon stretch position, two hands up, open chest and look at your hands. Stay in position 3-4 sets of breaths.
4) Start in a pigeon position.Put the opposite hand on the knee forward and rotate your torso. Move the other hand as far back as possible. Stay in this position 3-4 sets of deep breaths.
Take a deep inhale and move your front hand up to add a deeper side stretch. Extend the arm and try to open the chest towards the ceiling.
5) From the pigeon position, bend the hind leg and bring the heel closer to the outside of the thigh. Repeat 3-4 times and in the end, 8-12 seconds remain in this position.
6) Grab the back leg with the elbow and the other hand pull from the top towards the leg. Try to open the chest to the ceiling and extend the side of the long arm.
7) Modification for advanced level. Take your head in under the hand, with the other hand pressing on the hip to bring the pelvis closer to the floor. The back leg pulls the hand back. Repeat 3-4 times and stay in a stretching position for 8-12 seconds.
Exercise Set 2
1. Standing on your knees. Put one foot forward at ninety degrees, another knee is on the floor moving forward so that there is no pressure on the kneecap. Roll in the tailbone, pick up a strong abdomen, and try to avoid deflection in your lower back. Keep the pelvic bones in one line and move your torso back as you press the pelvis forward and screw your tailbone inward. Continue to tighten the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen and screw the coccyx to the inside. Stay in the position for at least 30 seconds.
2. Shift the weight back. The pelvic bones are facing in the same direction. Straighten the front knee, the foot is flexed. Take inhalation and when exhale go with the abdomen to the straight leg without rounding your back. Stay in the stretch position for at least 30 seconds.
3. Repeat the first exercise
4. Repeat the second exercise
5. the First Exercise with Modification - take your hands up and stay at least 30 seconds in the stretch position.
6. Repeat the 2nd exercise
Repeat the same exercises in the second leg
Exercise Set 3
This exercise requires 2 yoga blocks and a wall or a pole.
1. Stand on your knees by the wall, putting the yoga blocks a little forward. Put one knee to the wall, make a flex in the foot and push the heel up toward the ceiling.
Put another leg between your hands, knee at 90 degrees.
Body weight in front of your pelvis, push the pelvis down. you can put your hands on your knee, on the floor or on the yoga blocks. It is important to keep your shoulders in front of your pelvis during this exercise. Then your body weight will push your pelvis even further lower. Stretch for at least 30 seconds.
2. Move your weight back to snap the buttocs to the back leg, straighten the front leg and flex the foot. Keep the pelvic bones in one line and go closer to your leg when exhaling. Try to get closer with your stomach to your thigh. Remain at least 30 seconds in this position.
3. Repeat Exercise 1 and deepen the stretch.
4. Repeat Exercise 2 and deepen the stretch.
Repeat the same exercises in the second leg.
Exercise 4
Starting position the same as in the previous exercise.
Use yoga blocks and a sock or a towel that can slip on the floor. Attach the knee to the wall, flex the foot, and press the heel up towards the ceiling. If you put your knee closer to the wall, you will feel more stretch. Place your hands on the yoga blocks and put the other leg straight between your hands. Now you can slide with your straight leg forward and back. Notice that the pelvic bones are facing in the same direction. It is important to keep the front leg tense and held during exercise.
Repeat 8 times and then stay in the maximum opening position for at least 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise on the other leg as well.
Exercise Set 5
Stretch to the buttocks muscles and release
1. Starting position - on the knees.
Move weight slowly forward on your hands and take one leg over the other.
Remove the heels away from the buttocks and sit down so that the two sitting bones are on the floor.
Take a breath and when exhaling move the bodyweight forward so that you feel a stretch in the hip of the upper leg.
Take another big breath, pull your elbows toward the floor. 3-4 whole breaths remain.
2. Put your upper foot on the floor. On inspiration, raise your hands up, then on the exhale turn the body towards the upper leg.
3. Put the opposite hand in front of the knee gently and make the rotation deeper.
Repeat the two exercises in the second leg.
Exercise Set 6
1. Begin sitting. Put your hands back on the floor and place one foot on the other leg and then lie on the floor.
Raise your feet off the floor. Hold 90 degrees in your knees. Hug the lower leg and gently bring it closer to the body. Notice that the heel is right in front of the knee.
Stretch for at least 30 seconds.
Repeat the exercise on the second leg.
2. Put your hands straight on the floor. Move your legs to one side and head to the other. Try to hold your shoulders on the floor and extend your arms in opposite directions. Pull the upper leg's knee toward the floor. Stay in position at least for 30 seconds.
Repeat the exercise on the second leg.

1. Enjoy working with your body!
2. Repeat all exercises from previous lessons.
3. Carefully read the theoretical part and find the muscles in question.
4. Do the practical exercises in this lesson.
5. Answer the question - in what exercises do you think the adductor muscles work?
6. Choose the exercise you like the most, take photos and upload them to Instagram and tag me on @alisapleskova photo so I can see your progress !!! 💪😀